Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm like Spaceghost...coast to coast!

Typical last minute packing...I don't have anything ready. You may assume that I was running off to the beach and hanging around at the Italian Festival...but you'd be wrong. Instead, I was reroofing up until 3 hours ago. Ick. The good thing is, that section of my roof is done! Anyway, I feel like I need a break from things that I am supposed to be doing, so I am blogging instead of packing...

FREEEEEEEEEDOOOOMMMMMM (as William Wallace would say)! I am leaving thoughts of responsibility behind. I cannot control everything around me and nor should I try...just go with the flow and follow the tide. For a minute I thought I'd be a little sad about leaving Buffalo behind, but...nope. You see, Buffalo's like an old friend; it will always be there when you get back from your adventures. Or rather, when I get back from my adventures. If you're reading this, then you're in for a hell of a trip. Through the back roads of Tennessee, down to Cajun country and then out to the desert of the southwest...never quite knowing what we'll see, who we'll meet, or precisely where we're staying that night...stay tuned for some (mis) adventures! Mom and Dad, I promise I won't faint and knock out my two front teeth this time...

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