Sunday, June 20, 2010

Planning Stages

I'm a curious person...despite the fact that "they" say that curiosity killed the cat; because really, I think that's a load of bull. Curiosity did not kill the cat; the lack of that 10th life did it in. Anyway, curiosity is what has driven me to start this blog. Not curiosity of how a blog works, but curiosity in other people, in social movements going on in the US, of green/natural building techniques, and of a woman's role in it all.

It is a blog of my journey around the United States, from Buffalo to New Mexico to Vermont and (eventually) back to Buffalo again. It is named "Stops Along the Way" because it is only in stopping and looking around that I will discover some answers to my curious mind. While I am traveling this next 8 months, I will try to highlight organizations, businesses and people I've met along the way. Praise people who GET IT and add thoughts about others that don't. This is a venue for observing, thinking about and questioning the way organizations and people in our society interact--generationally, socially, racially, religiously, economically, gender-wise, etc.--and a place to compile all this information so that I can look back in 8 months to reflect on how my perceptions have changed.

Below is the itinerary I have been planning for the first leg of the trip, from Buffalo out to Taos, New Mexico. For those of you not in the know, I am going out to Taos to learn about building Earthships. If you haven't seen the documentary Garbage Warrior, you should.

Buffalo --> Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH --> Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga, TN --> Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN --> Little Rock, AR (visiting my friend Acadia!!)
Little Rock, AR --> New Orleans, LA (uh oh...oil spill anyone?)
New Orleans, LA --> Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX --> Lubbock, TX? (not sure totally, but need a destination between Dallas and Taos...)
Lubbock, TX --> Taos, NM

In the future I will be posting about individual organizations that I am visiting. As you can tell, I am more than excited to get going on this journey! Hope you'll join me either in person (fly out to a destination and meet me for a few days) or by reading this blog. Please, please make comments on anything you find particularly interesting...


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